
That’s how long I’ve been married – to the same woman! As of today it’s 37 years.

And I love her more than ever!

We change with time. We grow into each other; we get more and more comfortable with each other. We know what to expect.

Yes, I would marry her all over again. There are lots of things I’d do differently in my life, now that I know and understand the consequences of the choices I made. But my wife, she was the right choice.

Our celebration is only tempered by the fact that it was 17 years ago today that her father, my father-in-law, was taken from us quickly by a massive heart attack that sunny morning. He was only 72. It took quite a few years before my wife could even celebrate our anniversary again. But the pain, though always present, has faded enough for her to celebrate what we still have – the two of us.